Ringkasan Buku “Made to Stick” – Chip and Dan Heath

Here is a detailed summary of the key points from the book Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath:


Made to Stick examines why some ideas are remembered while others are forgotten. The authors identify 6 key principles that make ideas “sticky” and more likely to be understood, remembered, and have a lasting impact:

  • Simple: Strip ideas down to their core. Identify the most essential elements and remove unnecessary details.
  • Unexpected: Surprise people and violate their expectations to capture attention.
  • Concrete: Use vivid details and language to help people visualize concepts. Avoid vague abstractions.
  • Credible: Provide convincing details and statistics to back up claims. Establish authority and trustworthiness.
  • Emotional: Make people care by appealing to their identities, worries, and aspirations.
  • Stories: Frame ideas as stories with drama, characters, and imagery to make them more engaging.

The 6 Principles of Sticky Ideas


  • Find the core of any idea or message and pare it down to its most critical essence. Ask “What is the single most important thing I need to convey?”[1]
  • Use the “Commander’s Intent” technique from the military, which boils plans down to a simple core mission that can be adapted as needed. For example, “Destroy the enemy’s ability to fight.”[2]
  • Avoid cluttering ideas with extraneous details. Stick to the vital few elements that matter most.[3]


  • Grab attention by surprising people or challenging their assumptions. Clever gimmicks or mind-blowing facts work well.[4]
  • Overturn expectations, but in a logical way aligned with the core idea. Don’t just shock for shock’s sake.[1]


  • Help people visualize concepts by using vivid imagery, detailed descriptions, and analogies they can relate to.[5]
  • Compare abstract ideas to concrete experiences like driving a car, cooking, sports, etc. Analogies make it easier to grasp intangible concepts.[4]


  • Support claims with convincing details, statistics, examples, testimony, and other evidence. Establish external credibility.[6]
  • Leverage internal credibility by having ideas endorsed by authoritative, trustworthy sources. Expert validation boosts persuasiveness.[1]


  • Appeal to people’s desires, worries, values, and identities. Tap into emotions like empathy, nostalgia, pride, etc.[7]
  • Tell inspiring stories of real people overcoming challenges. Personal narratives build connections and empathy.[4]


  • Frame ideas as stories with compelling characters, drama, imagery, and emotion. Stories captivate people more than cold facts.
  • Use before-and-after story structures. Paint a vivid contrast between life before/after adopting an idea to highlight its value.[1]
  • Let people be the heroes of their own stories. Tailor stories to empower people to create change themselves.[4]

Making Ideas Stick

  • Apply the SUCCESs checklist to craft sticky ideas: Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, Stories.
  • Overcome the “curse of knowledge” – don’t assume people know background info you take for granted. Explain ideas clearly from scratch.
  • To spread ideas, first make them stick. Craft sticky ideas, then communicate them effectively. Stickiness makes transmission more successful.

Key Takeaways

  • Sticky ideas are simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional, and told as stories.
  • Find the core, use vivid details, back claims with evidence, appeal to emotions, and frame as narratives.
  • Making ideas stickier improves their chances of being understood, remembered, and spurring action.

[1] https://fourminutebooks.com/made-to-stick-summary/
[2] https://readingraphics.com/book-summary-made-to-stick/
[3] https://engineerguy.com/white-papers/made-to-stick.htm
[4] https://growthabit.com/marketing-books/made-to-stick-book-summary-review-notes/
[5] https://sipreads.com/made-to-stick
[6] https://dansilvestre.com/summaries/made-to-stick-summary/
[7] https://www.law.uh.edu/blakely/story-telling/21-Summary%20of%20Made%20to%20Stick-Why%20Some%20Ideas%20survices%20&%20others%20die-Heath%20&%20Heath.pdf

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